Australia’s Bioregions Artwork
Australia’s Bioregions Artwork
Australia’s Bioregions
Resource: Department of the Environment and Energy, 2012
Laser cut Perspex Display Panel and CNC routed Plywood Frame
[ Button Head Screw fixings w/Rubber Washers and Beeswax finish]
240mm x 240mm
Price includes frame as shown in image and custom made frame size stand from routed Marine Plywood shelf in image. Price excludes LED light and postage.
Produced in July 2019 for The Grand Section exhibition at Cessnock Regional Art Gallery
List of all Artwork Maps Below. Please contact The Grand Section if you are interested to purchase or view the artworks.
States and Territories
Australia as Mapped in 1756
Europe’s Landmass
Australia’s Bioregions
Aboriginal Grain Belt (From Tindale 1974)
Average Annual Evaporation, 1975-2005 (BOM)
Temperature Trends, 1910-2015
Rainfall Trends, 1950-2007
Geology, 1950-2007
The Grand Section Journey SOLD
Aboriginal Massacre Sites
Major Floristic Types
Population Density 2016
Natural Resources
Roads and Trains
Aboriginal Migration (Archeological sites x 1000 years ago)
Native Title SOLD
Acquifer Productivity
Dependence on groundwater
Rivers and lakes
European exploration
Aboriginal Language groups pre colonization SOLD
Drainage divisions