Small Living

Troppo designed ‘hard-tents’ = small, affordable spaces that could be perfect inspiration for a small, affordable house

Australian Resources


Apperly, Richard, et al - A pictorial guide to Identifying Australian Architecture

Boyd, Robin - The Australian Ugliness

Boyd, Robin - Australia's Home: Its Origins, Builders and Occupiers

Cox, P. (1984) Australia’s architectural identity, 1984 AS Hook Address by RAIA Gold Medalist Philip Cox  Architecture AU. -

Cox, Philip - Rude timber buildings in Australia

Freeland, John Maxwell - Architecture in Australia: A History

Memmott, P. (2007). Gunyah, Goondie + Wurley: The Aboriginal Architecture of Australia Univ. of Queensland Press.

Memmott, Paul, et al - Take 2 Housing Design in Indigenous Australia -

Troppo - Architects Australian journeys -


Marr Grounds and Paul Pholeros 1977 trip to the top ends -

Landscape, Geology & Weather

Australian Bureau of Meteorology - Australia’s Climate Influences

Gammage, Bill - The biggest estate on earth

Geoscience Australia - Geomorphic Features of the Continental Margin of Australia

Griffiths, Billy - Deep Time Dreaming: Uncovering Ancient Australia

Harper, Andrew - Simpson desert ecological studies -

Lines, William J. - Taming the Great South Land: A History of the Conquest of Nature in Australia

Massey, Charles - Call of the Reed Warbler: A New Agriculture, a New Earth

Pollock, David - The Wooleen Way

Pascoe, Bruce - Dark Emu

Smith, Kevin - The Archaeology of Australia’s deserts, Kevin Smith

The Mulloon Institute

Australiana & History

Blainey, Geoffrey - Triumph of the Nomads

Flood, Jospehine - The Moth Hunters: Aboriginal Prehistory of the Australian Alps

Johnson, Vivien - Once Upon a Time in Papunya

Jones, Philip - Ochre and Rust: Artefacts and Encounters on Australian Frontiers

Lockwood, Douglas - The lizard eaters

Morrison, Glenn - Songlines and Fault Lines: Epic Walks of the Red Centre

Morgan, Sally - My Place

Mahood, Kim - Kartiya are like Toyotas
Mahood, Kim - Position Doubtful
Mahood, Kim - Craft for a dry lake

Peasley, William John - Last of the Nomads

Pyne, Stephen J. - Burning Bush: A Fire History of Australia

Santospirito, Joshua - The Long Weekend In Alice Springs

Australia & Mapping

Australian Bureau of Statistics - How many people live in Australia’s coastal areas -

Australian National Botanic Gardens - Australian Plant Image Index

Atlas for the end of the world

Christian, David - Maps of time

Geoscience Australia -

Passive Principles

Bedford, T. (1966). Basic Principles of Ventilation and Heating (Second ed.). London H.K. Lewis & Co 

CSIRO. (1992). Sunshine and Shade in Australia. Retrieved from

Hollo, N. (2011). Warm House Cool House; Inspirational Designs for Low Energy Housing (secong ed.). Sydney NewSouth Publishing

Santy, Matsumoto, H., Tsuzuki, K., & Susanti, L. (2017). Bioclimatic Analysis in Pre‐Design Stage of Passive  House in Indonesia. Buildings, 7(1), 24.


Drysdale, J. W. (1975). Designing houses for Australian climates (Third ed.). Canberra: Department of Housing and Construction, Experimental Building Station; Australia Government Publishing Service

Healthabitat. (2013). Passive design for houses in arid and temperate climates. Healthabitat Retrieved from

Olgyay, V. (1963). Design with Climate : Bioclimatic approach to architectural regionalism New Jersey Princton University Press.

Statistics, A. B. o. (2012). Australia’s Geography and Climate Canberra: Australian Bureau of Statistics Retrieved from’s%20climate~143.


May, J. (2010). Handmade Houses and other buildings: the world of vernacular architecture (Vol. 1). United Kingdom Thames and Hudson

Piesik, Sandra - Habitat: Vernacular Architecture for a Changing Planet

Rudofsky, Bernard - Architecture Without Architects

May, John - Handmade Houses & Other Buildings: The World of Vernacular Architecture


Bootle, Keith R. - Wood in Australia: Types, Properties and Uses

Five Mile Radius -



Generally Good Shiz…

Holm, David - The importance of hand drawing and the Grand Tour - Drawing on Drawing -

Schumacher, E F - Economic philosophy - Small is Beautiful, economics as if people mattered

Understanding sustainable architecture -

Architecture & Habitat

Ants of the Prairie - Architecture Practice in New York considering ecology in architecture & designing-in habitat

Project Drawdown, solution based report on climate change -

Useful Websites